Common Foot Conditions


    Your body forms corns and calluses as a way to protect your skin from repeated pressure or friction. Corns are usually found on the bottom of your feet or toes, and can be quite painful. Look for a hard bit of skin with inflammation around it. Calluses are rough, dry and thick skin that can be painful. For most people these issues are solved by a visit to the podiatrist and changes to their podiatry shoes and socks!


    One of the world’s most common foot problems, cracked heels can be uncomfortable and even painful. There are many causes of cracked heels but the most common factor is dry skin, so making sure your skin is properly hydrated is key!

    North East Podiatry staff can painlessly remove the dry cracked skin, and then give you great advice for your foot health care.


    People who are diagnosed with diabetes aren’t able to easily convert glucose (sugar) into energy, which often means they have high blood sugar levels.

    This can lead to issues over time, as your body isn’t able to repair itself and damage can occur to nerves, blood vessels, tendons and ligaments. This can result in pain, stiffness, reduced motion and a much higher risk of ulcers or infections.


    Around 80% of heel pain is caused by plantar fasciitis, a condition where dull pain is felt in your heel especially when standing after rest. A common issue amongst all walks of life, treatment options for plantar fasciitis can range from orthotics, stretching, dry needling or even our new shockwave therapy which soothes pain and reduces symptoms. Talk to our staff for a consultation if your heels are giving you grief!


    Another common problem we see at North East Podiatry clinic are ingrown toenails. With a range of causes from it being a hereditary condition, poorly fitting shoes to trauma or injury, if you have an ingrown toenail you may experience pain, redness, swelling and discomfort.

    Small irritation can quickly become a major problem with an ingrown toenail, especially if you have existing foot care issues, but North East Podiatry can help you fix it!


    If you feel like you have a rock in your shoe, or as though you have stepped on something sharp or hot, you may be suffering from Morton’s neuroma. Typically found between the third and fourth toes, this condition occurs when a lump grows inside nerve tissue, causing inflammation and radiating pain. Usually seen in women over 40, this condition is very common and very treatable after a consultation with your podiatrist!


    If your feet are often warm and hot, you could be at risk of developing tinea! One of the more well known foot conditions, tinea is a fungal disease of the foot that which is common between the toes. We treat tinea via topical sprays, quality socks and education.


    Soft heels can result in repetitive stress injuries where your Achilles tendon connects to the heel. Sufferers of Sever’s disease experience pain and inflammation, and as the medical conditions advances, it can develop into a limp or further movement problems. It is most commonly seen in growing kids or people with highly active lifestyles, but can be treated easily and painlessly with stretching, podiatry shoes and orthotics, available at North East Podiatry clinic.


    Impacts or repetitive friction over time can cause tiny breaks in the bones of your feet called stress fractures. Without treatment by a podiatrist these can progress to complete breaks and require difficult treatment options to fix. Stress fractures can be caused by a large range foot or ankle problems including running or jumping on hard surfaces, poorly fitting shoes, or long days spent on your feet. Talk to North East Podiatry for an assessment and some relief!


    Increased blood pressure causes your veins to swell, which reduces their strength and allows blood to pool, leading to varicose veins. This dilates, lengthens and increases the visibility of veins in your legs, and can arise from excess pressure on your legs, standing for too long without moving or stretching, or simply the aging process. While varicose veins are relatively pain-free and harmless, it is a problem North East Podiatry can easily help you with!


    Viral infection can lead to the formation of warts, which can cause pain when walking, and further infections occur if left untreated.

    There are several types of warts which may look different depending on where they occur on the body, and the most common foot wart is called the plantar wart. Avoid sharing showers or towels, cover any warts before jumping in a pool, or take care of the problem at North East Podiatry!


    Many people have flat feet, in fact up to 30% of the population have this problem! Also known as over-pronation, flat feet is caused when the arch of your foot collapses when standing or walking. This is a problem that is easily fixed with a good pair of podiatry shoes and orthotics to give solid support to your arches and reduce aches and pains or movement difficulty.


    Sometimes the most simple solutions fix life’s biggest problems. Pain in your back, knee or shin, pain in the forefoot, ball of the foot or ankle can be frustrating and disruptive, but North East Podiatry clinic has the answer!

    We can fit you with comfortable orthotics that take pressure off sensitive areas of your feet, reduce strain on your back, knees and feet, and give you relief from pain… just book an appointment with us!


    Embarrassing and uncomfortable, foot odour is a problem no one wants to talk about but isn’t as bad as you think! Excessive sweating can increase humidity and moisture in your shoes and socks, which leads to the growth of bacteria. This is a very common problem and can be solved in a range of different ways. If you’re concerned about odour, our caring podiatrist team are happy to assist you with treatment options and range of products that tackle foot odour!


    When your big toe pushes against the next toe, either from narrow shoes or medical conditions like arthritis, it can cause the big toe joint to become deformed. This bony lump that forms is called a bunion, and repeated stress to the area will worsen the problem. This can lead to pain, swelling and restricted movement, but at North East Podiatry we have the skills and experience to treat your bunions and give you advice to avoid future problems!


    Do your toes become red, swollen or itchy during cold weather? You may have a condition called chilblains, which can be worsened by poor circulation, diabetes or shoes and socks that are too small. Chilblains is typically a seasonal and short-lasting problem and can be treated by keeping your feet nice and warm, avoiding restrictive footwear, or seeking advice from our expert podiatrists!


    Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail. Symptoms include white or yellow nail discoloration, thickening of the nail and separation of the nail from the nail bed. With our FOX Laser therapy we heat the fungal infection, killing the fungus, leaving the healthy skin and nail untouched, with no side effects! Healthy nail grows in the area treated.


    An ingrown toenail develops when part of your toenail pierces the skin that surrounds it and starts growing into it.

    There are two primary types of ingrown nail surgery that we perform:

    Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA)

    A PNA is the most common ingrown nail procedure that we perform. It involves removing a small part of the nail edge that has ingrown into the skin. The next step is called a chemical matrixectomy, where a chemical called phenol or sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is applied to destroy the nail-growing cells at the base of the nail, meaning that the small problematic nail edge won’t grow back. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic so is painless for you. The process takes approximately one hour, with the nail edge removal taking only approximately 20 minutes.

    Total Nail Avulsion (TNA)

    A TNA involves removing the entire toenail as a way of managing the ingrown nail. This option is usually selected by those who are also unhappy with their toenail. This may be from the nail sustaining damage or becoming deformed, infected, thickened, or if the nail itself is also causing discomfort alongside the ingrown portion of the nail. Once the nail is removed, a new nail will grow and replace it unless you opt for a chemical matrixectomy to prevent regrowth.